X-ray machines Madoors X-ray scanning devices can be supplied by security, military and safety units, bags , cargo , trucks , containers , personnel , persons , car etc. scanning and detection of prohibited substances, used to control materials. In order to use such devices, it is necessary to obtain the necessary legal permissions and certificates from the Atomic Energy Authority which Madoors provides you with trouble-free support. All of our products are guaranteed for 2 years.

Madoors X-ray devices which can detect even radioactive material, are suitable for security purposes and package checking. These devices need an import permit issued by Atomic Energy Authority to enter the country and license is given after the result of radiation control experts in the places where it will be used.
. X-ray scanning system energy is used in many branches. Our company is dealing with Madoors system x-ray devices; X-ray luggage, bags, suitcases, parcel scanning systems
. X-RAY Truck, Truck, Container, Vehicle, Vehicle, In-car scanning and imaging systems
. X-ray human, personnel, person body search and search systems manufacturing and sales and service provides services.
X-ray machines , devices;
1. Can be used for bag and package content control at entrance and exit points in private or institutional building entrances or in shopping malls.
2. The security level can be used to check the content detection of mailing envelopes or packages for private areas.
3. Can be used for container or truck content control in customs areas or similar areas.
4. Can be used for content control of suspicious packets detected by the security forces.
X-RAY System and passenger vehicle - in-vehicle scanning systems; Border gates, private institutions, entrances, dams, hydroelectric power plants, military and security buildings in the entrance of vehicles bombs, explosives, drugs, narcotics, illegal substances, illegal passengers, prohibited substances, weapons and etc. is a scanning system used to detect elements.
X-RAY Human body, Body scanning system; Airports, Borders and so on. It is an x-ray imaging system which can store all kinds of substances, such as illegal substances, narcotics, drugs, pills, explosives, guns, bullets, knives, which are hidden or swallowed to human body in the regions and also provides the user with the possibility of separating organic and inorganic substances. Color and black / white type x-ray human scanning imaging system as two types. World health organization is produced according to the minimum radiation dose values. No harm to human health.
Cargo, Container, Truck, Truck, Scanning X-ray Systems; They are manufactured as fixed or mobile. In fixed x-ray truck, bus scanning - search and display systems, the device passes through the stationary vehicle. In moving systems, the vehicle stops and the device moves on the vehicle. The image of the vehicle is detected up to 40 km / h. Full hd quality image analysis is performed. Cargo scanning x-ray system makes organic-inorganic separation. Our Madoorsscan large vehicle in-car imaging systems are guaranteed for 2 years. It can be produced up to 450 kva, 600 kva, 650 kva power. It continues to work in case of power failure with UPS support. 2.5 Pos - 10 Pos systems max. It can drill steel between 20 - 40 cm.
X-ray Container Scanning Inspection System For Crane
Crane Mounted X-RAY Container Scanning System; Our MDRS-AEEST-9000 x-ray scanning system, which works coupled to the crane, is a system that scans using backscatter technology. It is a system that provides very fast scanning in container loading areas , container transport port areas , customs. This type of scanning system, the patent of which belongs to our company, is unique in the world. The project and R&D designs belong to our company, and the patent application with worldwide examination has been made by our company to the Turkish Patent Institute. It provides 100% secure container scanning. It is an x-ray container scanning system that works in partnership with the harbor crane.Ürüne git
Backscatter X-Ray Detection of Buried Mine , Landmine Dedector
It can mine dedection with remote control or normal driver . Optionally, the vehicle carrying the detector can be armored by our company. Our minescan-1000 dedector works with X-ray backscatter technology. A clear image of the ground is obtained through our sensors, which detect the back-scattered x-rays hitting the ground. Our mine finder detector system, which is designed for working in narrow spaces, works with 2 pieces x-ray tubes and 2 pieces power supply. These tubes simultaneously send x-rays to the ground and obtain very wide and large images in narrow areas under the ground with a wide-angle dispersion.Ürüne git
X-Ray Backscatter Landmine Tank Mine Dedection
Dedection of buried landmines , tank mine with x-ray backscatter ; As a major technology step forward, MAdoors system X-Ray minescan-4000 has developed of a mobile 220 kv , 450 kV, 650 kv landmine scanner system based on the principles of X-ray backscatter technology . The new scanner system has the following capabilities and advantages . The X-ray backscatter technology has the potential for low false alarm rates and a high detection probability. The minescan-4000 x-ray backscatter landmine scanner has been tested very successfully . Looking at the high resolution images, a trained operator is able to identify the buried object immediately.Ürüne git
X-Ray Deployable Portable Vehicle Scanner
Vehicle scanning , Checkpoints and borders , Customs control , Threat detection The MAdoorsscan PVS-350 X-ray Portable Vehicle Scanning Rapid Deployment security x-ray scanner designed for rapid deployment in the field and suitable for scanning vehicles up to the size of a small van. Designed to offer the end user maximum flexibility, The MAdoorsscan PVS-350 X-ray Deployable Vehicle Imaging X-RAY system is offered in both static and mobile configuration, to provide cost effective solution for security screening of vehicles at a variety of locations.Ürüne git
Mobile Trailer X-Ray Container , Truck , Vehicle , Cargo Screening Inspection Scanning
The MAdoorsscan Mx-60 X-ray trailer series is designed to scan trucks and cargo containers to verify the contents and identify the presence of hidden contraband such as weapons, explosives, and narcotics as they roam the implanted system. The MAdoorsscan Mx-60 is a trailer-mounted, high-energy inspection system with material discrimination for efficient screening of vehicles for threats and contraband. The fully self-contained unit can be easily towed and rapidly deployed, with several operating modes for additional flexibility.Ürüne git
Gantry Portal X-Ray Truck Trailer Container Cargo Vehicle Inspection System
Gantry Portal X-Ray Truck Trailer Container Cargo Vehicle Inspection System , The bi-directional inspection system scans up to 28 trucks per hour. Ideal for contraband and threat detection and manifest verification at ports, borders, military bases, and security checkpoints, the Madoorsscan M-5800 Gantry X-ray can inspect even the most densely loaded containers. Its unique design minimizes X-ray scatter in order to create a best-in-class, high-resolution X-ray image. The Madoorsscan M-5800 Gantry X-ray system offers material discrimination with four color categories: organics in orange, non-organics in green, metallics in blue, and heavy metals in purple. The large scan tunnel accommodates vehicles up to 5 meters tall.Ürüne git
X-Ray Train Inspection Scanning System
X-Ray Train Inspection Scanning System ; Train drive-through inspection system allows inspection of cargos for their correspondence to accompanying documents and detection of weapons, explosives, as well as smuggled goods (cigarettes) and people without cargo unloading and wagon unsealing. The use of high-energy X-ray inspection system Madoorsscan S-5500 for cargo train screening reduces significantly the necessity of manual inspection and cargo unloading from the train when the inspectors are at work.Ürüne git
Portal Gantry X-Ray Truck Cargo Trailer Container Scanning
Portal Gantry X-Ray Truck Cargo Trailer Container Scanning ,Imaging , Screening , Inspection Systems ; Madoorsscan-5500 X-Ray Vehicle and Container Scanners , Passenger vehicles, trucks and sea freight containers are often used as a means of smuggling people and contraband goods such as explosives, narcotics and weapons across borders and into or out of facilities. The madoors has a range of X-Ray Vehicle Scanning solutions.Ürüne git
Radiation - Radioactivity Detector
One or more radiation sensor panels (RSP) are used in the modular design of vehicles, trucks, trucks, in-container radiation and radioactivity detection systems produced by the MAdoors system. Each RSP contains a neutron Smart detector. Our products include neutron bombardment-sensitive scintillation glass fibers (PUMA panels), Conventional He-3 compressed gas cylinders, and Smart detectors made of one or more gamma-ray polyvinyl toluene (PVT) plastic scintillators or sodium. Iodide NaI (Tl) detectors, also called Truck, Truck, Container radioactivity detection detectors are guaranteed for 2 years. Our radiation detectors do not emit radiation. It is completely safe for anyone passing by, including children and pregnant women. Our radioactivity detectors that we have produced are passive radiation detectors, not radiation emitters. Our detectors are very common in hospitals and other industries. Radiation - Radioactivity DetectorÜrüne git
Mobile Pulled Type Trailer X-ray Handbag Baggage Scanner
MADOORS MOBILE X-RAY INSPECTION SYSTEM Scan Trailer is a mobile X-ray inspection system using a non-motorised trailer for public road traffic.The ScanTrailer has been designed for places where luggage, freight or mail is loaded or unloaded and has to be checked for customs or security purposes.Fast and easy loading and unloading of items to be inspected is established by a powerful motorised conveyor (input side) and a heavy-duty roller conveyor (output side). Feature highlightsMobile, flexible system Incorporates Madoors-SCAN 100 100V-2 isPowerful X-ray generator (2 x 160 kVcp)Heat insulated bodyEasy loading by motorised conveyor Penetration up to 37 mm steel (typical)Film safe up to ISO 1600 / 33 DIN Trailer for public roadIntegrated power generatorÜrüne git
Mobile On-board X-ray Baggage Scanner
MAdoorsscan EST-8500 X-Ray Mobile Scanning Systems ; Ideal for VIP Aircraft on the runway screening of baggage and parcels, Police & Customs screening of vehicle freight on the road side, Police and Security Forces screening of suspicious packages on site locations etc. Climate Controlled Operator Cabin, Power Steering, Hydraulic Disc Brakes, Customisable with shore power and or generators for all on board systems.Ürüne git
Handheld Portable X-ray Device
Portable x-ray PT-1000 high frequency X-ray units for targeted operations against terrorism, for civil defense and forensic science High-quality X-ray images are nowadays no longer a problem for portable Monoblock X-ray units. The state-of-the-art high-frequency technology offers high performance in miniature format using only a standard power connection (220V/110V). Its low weight, user-friendly operation and the integrated interface for using the X-ray unit with a digital system enable various fields of application for customs services, border patrol, forensic scientists, counter-intelligence agencies and private security companies. MAdoors PT-1000 portable battery-operated monoblock X-ray unit with high frequency technology, MAdoors protable handheld use X-ray unit (11.2 kg including battery), equipped with a high powered rechargeable lithium-ion polymer battery, no AC power supply necessary, battery life approx. 300 exposuresÜrüne git
Mobile Container Truck Scanning System
Built by MAdoorS, the MAdoorsscan ES-9000 Mobile X-Ray can inspect stationary vehicles or loads in the same fashion as airport imaging machines. The MAdoorsscan ES-9000 Mobile X-Ray is a high-energy mobile system that can penetrate up to 270 mm steel for inspection of fully loaded trucks, vehicles and containers at the port. The vehicle-mounted MAdoorsscan ES-9000 Mobile X-Ray can inspect up to 30 - 60 trucks per hour. Its detailed image resolution capability can be used to reveal smuggled goods, weapons and drugs.Ürüne git
Mobile X-ray Truck Container Scanner Device
The MAdoors X-ray Backscatter Truck , Container , Trailer Inspection systems is the most maneuverable, versatile, and successful cargo and vehicle screening system on the market. Its easy-to-interpret MAdoors Backscatter image quickly and clearly reveals threats like explosives, drugs, currency, and trade-fraud items such as alcohol and cigarettes—even in high-throughput environments like border crossings and security checkpoints.Ürüne git
X-Ray Body/Person/Human Scanner
Madoorscan-Hm2000 is an advanced micro dose X-ray inspection equipment for checking contrabands and/or thread objects hidden in or attached to human body. With the latest computer technology and digital image processing algorithm, and adopting X-ray line scanning mode, it provides for contraband and/or thread objects identification. The equipment conforms to the relative standards of micro dose X-ray security inspection system, and the regulations regarding to the protection against damages caused by X-ray. The safety measures and devices have been used in the system which can provide full protection for both operator and inspected personnel during inspection. With a compact design, it is ideal for security inspection for human body at ports, airports, customs, railway stations, government buildings and other public gathering situations. It also can be installed on the vehicle for mobile operation.Ürüne git
X-Ray Truck Container Scanner
The Madoorsscan M-5800 X-ray system uses a single scan to screen whole trucks (cabin included), containers and vehicles for threats such as explosives, narcotics, weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), contraband, as well as manifest verification, reducing the need for manual inspection. The system’s high-performance imaging capability provides the operator with detailed radioscopic images of container or vehicle and its contents, with organic and inorganic material discrimination and colourisation based on atomic number, allowing for rapid and reliable results in a single scanÜrüne git
X-Ray Vehicle Scanning Device
It is our x-ray scanning devices that are used to scan vehicles such as x-ray passenger cars, pickup trucks, panel vans, which are manufactured by MAdoors system. They are fast and practical, Our X-ray Inspection systems are installed and run in the field very quickly. Our price policy is to offer the best price and the longest warranty period for these devices to our valued customers. Our X-ray vehicle in-vehicle search scanning imaging systems are the only products that help detecting bombed vehicles at the entrances of our cities, and quickly find prohibited and smuggled items in areas hidden inside vehicles. Our X-ray vehicle and car scanning systems have become a product that our military and security forces need at their entrance.Ürüne git
X-ray Baggage Scanner
Through our wide range of Multi-energy X-ray Baggage Scanners, we offer our customers the most contemporary security solutions. X-ray baggage scanner is a technological genius, which smartly classifies the materials scanned based on their composition. Traditional X-ray baggage scanners could display either black and white or simple coloured images only. Our products show different colors reflected by the machine on the screen, as determined by the atomic number of the materials scanned. This helps the operator to easily differentiate between the types of materials inside the baggage such as metals, powder, plastic, liquid, etc. The main challenge for the operator is determining what is it that they are looking at, and color imaging helps them to do that better.Ürüne git
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