ATEX Certified Ex-Proof Roller Shutter Door
What is ATEX Certified Ex-Proof Roller Shutter Door?

ATEX Certified Ex-Proof Automatic Roller Shutter Door
Doors and shutters for explosive environments , Workplaces can have explosive atmospheres due to combustible dust, mists, and gases. Extensive damage may result from explosions as well as fatalities and serious injuries. Where there is a risk of explosion, classified zones are protected from sources of ignition by ATEX rated madoors's automatic roller shutter doors and other equipment to minimise the blast risk.
Flammable gasses and vapours from spray painting or fine dust from grains and flour can be classed as potentially explosive atmospheres and require specialist ATEX equipment.
ATEX is the name commonly given to the two European Directives for controlling explosive atmospheres; The ATEX Workplace Directive and ATEX Equipment Directive. These directives set the minimum requirements to protect those potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres. The regulations apply to all equipment intended for use in explosive atmospheres, whether electrical or mechanical.
MAdoorS ATX-2000 series Roller Shutter Door ATEX rated doors and their components are rigorously tested to ensure their conformance. Certification ensures that the equipment is fit for its intended purpose and that adequate information is supplied with it to ensure that it can be used safely. With our installations, a technical file is lodged with Baseefa, supporting compliance.
The specification of each ATX-2000 series Roller Shutter Door is project-specific. We have experience designing, manufacturing and installing ATEX doors within a wide range of industries. Where possible we will try to minimise your costs by installing control equipment outside of the control zones. Contact us to discuss your project, and we will advise the safest most cost-effective solution.
If you’d like to speak to us about how we can help you solve logistical challenges with a completely tailored high-speed door solution, please contact us today on 00 90 530 174 30 56
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